About the Journal

Sports, Physical Activity & Environment Journal (SPAcE) bridges the gap between science and practice in the promotion of exercise and health, and in the scientific assessment, study and understanding of sports performance. Regular features include: sports injury prevention and treatment; exercise for health; drugs in sport and recommendations for training and nutrition.

Designed as a superb reference source for physicians, sports medicine specialists, physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, team doctors and trainers alike, SPAcE focuses on definitive and comprehensive review articles that interpret and evaluate the current literature to provide the rationale for, and application of, research findings. 

SPAcE also welcomes the submission of high-quality original research in the above fields.

SPAcE offers a range of additional features designed to increase the visibility, readership and educational value of the journal’s content. Each article is accompanied by a Key Points summary, giving a time-efficient overview of the content to a wide readership. Articles may be accompanied by plain language summaries to assist readers who have some knowledge of, but not in-depth expertise in, the area to understand the scientific content and overall implications of the article. The journal also provides the option to include various types of digital features including animated abstracts, video abstracts, slide decks, audio slides, instructional videos, infographics, podcasts and animations. All additional features are peer reviewed to the same high standard as the article itself.

Peer review is conducted using Open Journal System, supported by a database of international experts.

Journal information

Publication Model Open access
Frequency Continuous online publication
Launch date 2021
Digital Archives Portico, LOCKSS
Indexed by N/A
Impact Factor N/A
Peer Review Model Single blind; the names of reviewers are hidden from the author
ISSN 1234-5678

Editorial Board

For information about the Editor-in-Chief and editorial team, please refer to the Editorial Board page.


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